Welcome to YDS Miami

A vibrant Yeshiva where the flames of Torah and Jewish identity are kindled.

Thank you for visiting the YDS Miami website! We apologize for the inconvenience as our website is currently under construction. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (305) 433-4279 or via email at info@ydsmiami.org. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to assisting you in any way we can.

Our sacred mission is to guide and educate our talmidim, instilling within them a deep love for Hashem, Torah, and Mitzvot. With a comprehensive curriculum rooted in Limudei Kodesh, our exceptional mechanchim provide a nurturing environment for spiritual growth and academic excellence. Immerse yourself in our state-of-the-art facilities and join our close-knit kehillah as we embark on an inspiring journey of Torah learning, personal development, and a lifelong connection to our rich heritage.

Together, we will shape the future leaders who will illuminate the world with the brilliance of Yiddishkeit.

We kindly request your attention to an important matter. We are excited to announce that applications for our esteemed yeshiva are now open!
If you or someone you know is interested in joining our institution, kindly click the button below to fill out the application form.

Together, we will shape the future leaders who will illuminate the world with the brilliance of Yiddishkeit.